The CHAISE Workshop “Teach and Work on the Blockchain Landscape” happened on 27 September 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop attendees had a unique opportunity to explore the primary outcomes of the CHAISE project, including essential insights into blockchain curricula, skills frameworks, and certification pathways developed over the past few years.
Practical applications of these results were highlighted, offering participants valuable perspectives on implementing blockchain education and workforce training programs across sectors.
In the exhibition event on the CHAISE learning resources, the panellists introduced their insights on the challenges when creating the CHAISE learning resources, the recommendations for using the CHAISE learning material, the recommendations for the teachers/tutors and the pathway to obtaining the CHAISE certificates.
The panel was moderated by Prof. Raimundas Matulevičius (University of Tartu, Estonia) and attended by Prof. Parisa Ghodous (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France), Dr. Mubashar Iqbal (University of Tartu, Estonia), Jana Faschinger-Sanborn, Project Manager (ECQA, Austria) and Carla Brugulat Rica, Blockchain Project Manager (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain).
The CHAISE learning resources are the twelve-module learning curriculum, consisting of 48 lectures and topics, including lecture visuals and notes, video lectures and case studies, practical exercises and quizzes.
The learning topics include (i) an introduction to blockchain technology, (ii) regulations, legal aspects and governance of blockchain systems, (iii) fundamentals of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, (iv) business management and planning, (v) blockchain security and digital identity, (vi) blockchain systems architecture and consensus protocols, (vii) blockchain platforms, (viii) marketing and customer support, (ix) applied cryptography, (x) smart contracts, (xi) developing use cases: from ideas to services, and (xii) game theory in blockchain.
The CHAISE project provides a guide to trainers and certification opportunities for learners.
The creation of these resources has been funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union under grant no. 621646-EPP-1-2020-1-FR-EPPKA2-SSA-B.
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